The application of the concept of supply chain management in the construction industry

Paweł B. Michalski


The innovation and practicality of SCM solutions has been used in the construction industry relatively recently. Companies and construction companies have recognized the concept of supply chain management as a way to reduce costs, improve production quality, shorten project execution time and increase scheduling flexibility.
Construction Supply Chain (CSC) refers to the whole project. The links in this chain are the suppliers and recipients of raw materials, materials, machines and equipment, people (workers), money and technical documentation, as well as many different information and intangible assets that are necessary for the execution of works and structures..
Well planned and developed logistics concepts and logistics management solutions provide the opportunity for efficient project execution and cost reduction related to logistics as well as total project cost. An important element in increasing the efficiency of the project is the proper coordination of the logistics processes of all its stakeholders at every stage of the investment cycle.
High risk of construction investment, mortgage crisis and high customer demand - this is the real estate market nowadays. Looking for solutions, on the one hand minimizing the costs of contractors, on the other hand it is important to maintain the high quality of the product. Can CSCM be the answer to the current state of affairs?


construction supply chain, logistics, materials flow

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