Rafał Wachnik, Leszek Mindur, Marek Sitarz


In comparison, railways are the safest mode of land transport, not only regarding pure safety performance indicators but also considering external costs to society and member state.

As for polish railways, the year 2016 was the safest since 2008 even despite the growth of the railway market.

There are still element’s that need to be taken care of such as continuous improvement of safety culture so that there can be a consistency in safety statistics and improvement of total safety performance. Another main aspect is the analysis of human factor with the involvement of professionals in the area of human performance since it seems that current activities are insufficient.

Authors would like to summarise this short article regarding railway safety performance that undoubtedly, railways are constantly the mass transport mode to choose regarding the safety of travel.


safety, safety performance, common safety indicators, accident investigation, Poland, railways

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