The Reasons for the Implementation of the Concept of Green Port in Sea Ports of China

Łukasz Marzantowicz, Izabela Dembińska


Increasingly, China is showing endeavours to understand the idea of sustainable development. This is evident in the policy of Chinese ports development, which assumes efforts to assign it, or at least to adapt it to conditions of the sustainable development. However, from the three optic of the sustainable development i.e. economic, social and environmental, the latter is the most visible in provisions of the policy assumptions of Chinese seaports. The purpose of this article is to point out the reasons of implementing environmental principles of the Chinese ports sustainable development. The relationship between the concept of sustainable development of the port and the green port has been characterized. The areas of a negative impact of the port on the environment are identified and described. Based on cases of Chinese ports, the key reasons why the concept green port is being implemented have been highlighted


sustainable development; sustainable transport; green port; sustainable port development

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