Identification of the Most Important Sustainability Topics in Seaports

Natalia Wagner


Preparing a sustainability report has become more and more popular among a wide range of industries, including shipping and seaports. For the majority of Polish ports preparing a formal CSR strategy is a new challenge. The aim of this article was to compare the way that selected European seaports chose to report and identify the most important topics of their sustainable activity. In order to answer the research questions the multi-case study of selected European ports was prepared. The strategy and identified topics in seaports that have prepared sustainability reports can be used in a benchmarking process. Such a comparison can help Polish seaports avoid mistakes in preparing such reports by themselves in the future. The analysis showed that the most important sustainability topics are connected with employment and air emissions. There were also themes specific for seaports activity such as maintaining the water depths. Involvement of the port stakeholders in prioritization process made the topics order suited all parties concerned in port operations.


sustainability; CSR; seaports;

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