Wild Card as a Phenomenon Cushioning Uncertain Events – Example of Industry 4.0

Andrzej Magruk


The aim of the article is the analysis and characterization of wild cards in both theoretical and practical perspective – in the context of the Industry 4.0. Wild cards are potential future events with a relatively low-probability but high impact on the activity (life, bussines, etc.). Despite the high degree of complexity of the process of identifying, analyzing and interpreting this type of phenomena it seems to be indispensable to have a basic and practical knowledge for the analysis of wild cards. This knowledge can be very useful, especially in an environment exposed to exceptional or emergency event. This seems to be particularly important in the future context in the case of new events, burdened with a high degree of uncertainty. Industry 4.0 is a such event, as one of the main areas of the fourth industrial revolution.


uncertainty, wild cards, Industry 4.0, weak signals

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