Differences in Value of Entrepreneurship Index in Rural Areas of the Lower Silesia Province

Izabela Klepacka-Dunajko, Halina Kałuża, Damian Dunajko


The article presents results of research on the relationship between the rate of entrepreneurship of rural and urban-rural province of Lower Silesia and the distance from the economic centres, as well as expenditures of counties on public roads.
It is assumed that the main economic centres are the county towns of the Lower Silesia Voivodship. Entrepreneurial activity rate was defined as the number of business entities registered in the REGON system per 10,000 population of working age. Distance of rural communities from economic centres were expressed as the shortest road distances. The research shows that there is no statistically significant relationship between the ratio value of entrepreneurship in the municipality and its distance from the economic centre, but it exists between the average rate of entrepreneurship of the districts and their expenditure on public roads.


rural areas, entrepreneurship, distance, entrepreneurship rates, spatial layout, Lower Silesian Voivodship

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Local data bank: www.stat.gov.pl

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