Article describes the project in the production process and results in an establishment BOSCH braking systems in Poland and in the establishment Twardogórze GKN Automotive Poland in Rudolf. Objective of the project in BOSCH Poland braking systems on Twardogórze was to determine for the proposed new layout1, flowrate material. There was need to fix the quantities and transport resources structure at the scheduled increase in production. Of the project has been built model', in which the typical working positions taken into account warehouses, washer, sockets mounting, exports of waste. The additional result were taken an experiment carried out proposals for amendments to these created. The primary objective of the project in Poland in Automotive GKN in Oleśnica was design and optimisation these development factory in connection with the need increase in production capacity. The primary objective of the project in Poland in automotive GKN was Rudolf design and optimisation these development factory in connection with the need increase in production capacity. Modelling has been carried out in the sockets and production lines, road transport, flow of materials, means of transport and transport units. In designing the distribution and production sockets assembly, ancillary surface and servicing criterion for the minimum calculated movement of products and materials.
internal transportation; simulation model
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