Professionalism and a career in the process of changes in the higher education system in the post-industrial society

Jan Maciejewski


In this thesis the author has tried to look at the process of professional higher education and a career in the process of the post-industrial changes in a completely new way. This approach seems to be not only difficult but also very necessary during the changes in the higher education system. The new concept of higher to the author, in the new higher education system we should turn from fully education is caused by the changes in the post-industrial society in Poland. According controlled teaching into teaching where the learner can take part himself or herself in the process of learning, enlarge his or her knowledge, develop his or her interests and skills. This leads to teaching which can be called continuous, permanent, and everlasting. As a result we will obtain a self-studying and self-developing society. All these methodological issues are supported by the results of the researches.


professional career; higher education system

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