Piotr Edward Gołębiowski


The aim of the article is to present a method concerning the problem of the construction of timetable from the point of view of the assignment of platform edges and stabling tracks. Taking into account these two issues in the method is extremely important from the point of view of the fluency of railway traffic, as well as minimizing railway undertaking costs related to access to the infrastructure offered by the manager in terms of occupying the platform edge above the set time. The paper describes the issues of allocating platform edges and stabling tracks in operating offices, with particular consideration of the costs related to this. The formulation of the problem of the train timetable construction was presented, including the allocation of edges and stabling tracks in a mathematical manner. In the model specified those parts that are relevant to the research problem considered in the article. In addition, the algorithm of the construction method with the use of a block diagram was discussed.


organization of railway traffic, construction of graphic train timetable, allocation of platform edges, allocation of stabling tracks

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