Marek Sitarz, Katarzyna Chruzik, Marzena Graboń-Chałupczak


European Commission Regulation (EU) No. 445/2011 regarding the system of certification for entities in charge of maintenance (ECM) of freight wagons requires such entities to supervise the condition of wagons, without specifying the methods of supervision to be used. Each ECM should establish a Maintenance Management System (MMS), which will include the obligation to monitor the fleet of freight wagons. Monitoring railway vehicle maintenance operations should include tracking all significant technical and operational indicators. The key question is which indicators are the have the greatest impact on safety. This paper discusses some issues related to the monitoring of maintenance operations for railway vehicles. It also looks at dedicated solutions for entities in charge of the maintenance for freight wagons based on PN-EN 50126:2002 standard and RAMS indicators (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety). This paper describes factor analysis of the proposed indicators  as a means of selecting those that have a decisive impact on the correctness of the process for monitoring vehicles. This paper shows an example of the implementation of the requirements of the European Commission Regulation 445/2011 [3] regarding the monitoring of the state of railway vehicles and the possibility of using the information so gained as part of a process of continuous improvement. Reducing the number of indicators will reduce the amount of data needed to calculate all the RAMS indicators, without compromising the benefits of the rail vehicle monitoring system.



Maintenance Management System, RAMS, factor analysis

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Sitarz M., Chruzik K., Mańka A., Wachnik R., System zarządzania Utrzymaniem (MMS) wagonów towarowych według europejskich i polskich wymagań, "Przegląd Komunikacyjny", 7-8 (2012), pp. 92-95.

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