Issues on simulation of the railway rolling stock operation process – a system and literature review

Piotr Czaja, Franciszek J. Restel


Railway traffic simulation, taking into account operation and maintenance conditions, is not a new issue in the literature. External effects in such networks (eg. level crossings) were not taken into account in studies. The used models do not take into account sufficiently the process of degradation and recovery of the network. From the technical side, currently carried out simulations are made using similar approaches and techniques as in the initial stage of research. Well-established work in this area could be the basis for evaluation of new solutions. However, the progress in simulation tools during the last years, especially in performance and programming architecture, attempt to create a modern simulation tool. In the paper were presented the main assumptions for the evaluated event-based simulation method, with application to stiff-track transportation networks


railway traffic simulation, railway rolling stock, traffic management, train crew management

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