Zmiany aktywności gospodarczej w III paneuropejskim korytarzu transportowym

Andrzej Raczyk


Integration and spatial cohesion are the main elements of the new European space creation process. The development of Pan-European transport corridors should result in a significant improvement of infrastructure conditions and consequently induce economic growth in particular regions. The main aim of the article is to analyze changes in economic activity in the III Pan-European transport corridor and to indicate substantial conditions of socio-economic development, including the significance of transport infrastructure development, in economic activation of the region. The research was conducted for the years 1995 - 2004. The areas located along the III Pan-European transport corridor Wroclaw - Berlin were characterized by relatively very low level of economic activity. High level of economic activity was limited to the main transport junctions i.e. Wroclaw, Legnica. It was the consequence of cumulative character of growth processes. It indicates the necessity to employ active, complex regional policy in the region in order to level the main development barriers. In this context the development of the III Pan-European transport corridor may become an important tool of regional policy leading to the activation of the border region.


Wrocław; borderland area; economic activity; transport corridor

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