Accessibility to Passenger Rail Transport in the Łódź Province

Szymon Wiśniewski


This article presents results of research devoted to spatial diversification of accessibility to passenger rail transport in the Łódź province. The analysis was conducted on the basis of a full inventory of railway connections of carriers providing their services within the boundaries of the region. Calculations were made in reference to 158 train stations and train stops as well as the population of 4,965 settlement units. Two variants of reaching a train stop by passenger were distinguished: on foot and using individual car transport. Both solutions include a number of border variants in the form of maximum equidistances of access on foot and isochrones of travel by car. Research proceedings were based on two-step floating catchment area (modified for the purposes of research into effectiveness of public rail transport), which provides for train frequency and travel time to individual stops from the topological perspective.


accessibility; public transport; rail transport; the Łódź province

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