The Reorganization of the Traffic in the city of Opole during the Renovation of Niemodliński Bridge

Wojciech Kozłowski, Krystian Oleś, Denis Buchta, Adrian Maślanka, Tomasz Marzec, Bartosz Olejnik


In the near future the city of Opole, as well as the whole Opole Voivodship are going to suffer from a serious problem connected with the traffic system which provides for closing of the core bridge crossing from one part of the city to another one – the Ulga canal. The condition of the bridge crossing at Niemodlińska Street is constantly deteriorating. After the first expertise had been conducted by a construction supervision, the decision to close the bridge on 1st June 2015 was made. The decision is justified by the safety reasons and disastrous technical state of the bridge crossing. In order to delay the moment of the closing and lighten the bridge, the inside lanes were changed into bus lanes and thereby the centre of gravity has been moved closer to the bridge crossing axis. Cars are going to use outside lanes. In front of the bridge vehicles height limiters were set in order to eliminate trucks from the traffic. For this kind of vehicles a special detour was created (Wrocławska Street, Road No 45). After this procedure the next expertise of construction supervision was conducted whereby the exclusion of the bridge from the traffic was delayed for one year. For the time being, it is known that the third expertise is being prepared. During the bridge renovation the car drivers and public transport passengers who travel to work every day are going to come across the serious communication problem.


traffic reorganization, traffic engineering, traffic design in the city

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