Innovative Solutions for Partial Overhaul of Bituminous Roads Using SPRIDER

Wojciech Jakub Kozłowski, Lucjan Kucharski


The vast majority of roads in Poland have asphalt pavement. Often these were surfaces designed and made in 80s. Today, many of these roads are in operation under much greater traffic and exceeded load design values. This results in degradation and destruction of the road surface. Due to the large backlog of road repairs and many years of negligence regarding road infrastructure resulting from financial constraints of road managers, an urgent need arose to repair several kilometers of asphalt roads, colloquially speaking, at the drop of a hat. Resurfacing and overhauls were first performed on national roads and, to a limited extent, on the roads of lower functional classes. Technologies currently used leave much to be desired in terms of quality and economy. One way to reduce the cost of labor and contracting, while increasing the quality of the work, is to search for solutions using new technologies. Those using SPRIDER are certainly innovative. This paper presents this technology compared to those commonly used and the very system for evaluating the
condition of roads and classifying them for repairs.


road surface, repair asphalt pavement, SPRIDER

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OST D - 05.03.17 Remont cząstkowy nawierzchni bitumicznych

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