Performance of Distribution Channels Shown on the Example of Company Specialising in Meat Processing

Joanna Maria Rorat


As far as the rapid development of global marketing network is concerned , it is easy to notice that logistics is becoming increasingly important. The growing competition makes these networks more efficient. More and more opportunities to bring products to the customer disorganize sales network management. The analysis of the effectiveness of distribution channels allows a close examination of efficiency of how the company reaches its customers. It also supports decisions regarding the introduction of new, previously unused channels of distribution, or modification of the already in-use ones. The range of work included a manufacturer specializing in meat processing and production of meat products, distributed in southern Poland. Using the point-analytical method, the effectiveness of distribution channels used in the company was evaluated. As a result, it was possible to determine the performance of individual sales channels. There were three distribution channels: by-company, sponsored and networking. The most effective appeared to be the networking channel, which scored a total of 235 points. Given the greatest potential of distribution, this channel, in terms of the size of the batch supplied to markets, without doubt will continue to be one of the leading directions of development in the future of the company. In second place was the by-company channel with 195 points, while the sponsored channel was the least effective. However, as a conclusion from the information gathered from the company itself, each channel will be developed in the future, proportionally to their current rank.


logistics, distribution channels, meat processing

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