Organization of Non-Normative Transport in Poland

Monika Napieraj


In Poland since a few years we can notice a increase in traffic. The largest part (over 85%), are trucks that typically have a width up to 2.45 m and a weigh to 24 tonnes. The road network in our country allows for easy and comfortable movement and transport of goods. The problem arises, however, when transported cargo exceeds the dimensions or
loads for standard vehicle. Then we call it oversized or non-standard. All big investments are associated with the need to transport large, heavy or awkward form factor goods. The transport of oversized cargo by land roads has become increasingly popular. Despite the high costs of preparing the transport, land road are more often choose of transporting very large components. Travelling on public roads provide faster and more convenient transport in relation to waterways and railways. It make possible direct transport from A to B, without reloading the goods at railway stations and ports.
Organizing such a passage is connected with the fulfilment of certain requirements, in accordance with the regulations and laws. If the load is larger, there are more conditions to must be met to obtain a permit for the carriage. In this article there is a characterization of the different categories of permits and shows all of the conditions that must be met in order to obtain the authorization. There is also placed an exemplary analysis of this bridge, comparing the effort of a bridge under load class A to the effort of the bridge, caused by load analyzed oversized vehicle. In this article you will also find information how to plan freight transport of oversized load and what do you have to look for when you choose a route. Although carrying loads of considerable size mainland becomes increasingly popular, the barrier is still a considerable amount of paperwork that must be met in order to be able to take place carriage. Also the time, we has to wait for permits and decisions of the authorities is very long. Maybe one day the law enters into force, regulating the rules of travelling and designating routes for which you will not need to do so many formalities. Today, however, we need to adapt to the prevailing regulations.


non-normative transport; oversized cargo, non-standard vehicle

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