Using Diagnostic Information for Planning an Energy-Optimal Path of an Autonomous Vehicle

Przemysław Szulim


The article has presented a general idea for an algorithm that would allow for determining the optimal parameters of vehicle movement. The sources of energy dissipation have been assumed as follows: damage to the engine and the drive. In addition, the mathematical basis have been presented for assessing the impact of damage resulting from problems such as axial misalignment on the dissipated energy. In the second part of the paper, the concept of the algorithm has been detailed, paying special attention to certain problems that have arisen, and an algorithm has been proposed that determines the optimal movement parameters for a simplified case, when the vehicle is moving along a path determined in advance. In addition, the results of applying the algorithm for a simple case have been presented, as well as the impact of the particular energy dissipation parameters of the model on the optimal velocity profile of the vehicle. The plans for further research include estimating the impact of other damages, such as damaged bearings or demagnetising, on the energy dissipation. Further work on an algorithm is also planned that would allow for simultaneous determining of an optimal path as well as an optimal velocity profile.


path planning, bldc motor, diagnosis

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