Polish regional airports in the service of passenger traffic

Marta Pilarczyk


The participation of air transport in the service of Polish passenger traffic in area of tourism as well as business travels has been slight in the totality of passenger traffic. From the year 2004 Poland take a part of European Union. In that case the process of demonopolization of transportation market, connected with politics of "Open Air" has been began. Initiating changes in the service of passenger flows transformed also the structure of transportation. In result systematically increase the role of regional airports. Expansion of foreign low-cost carriers take a big part of the transformation of this market. According to prognosis of The Civil Aviation Office (CAO) and IATA, the Polish regional airports could service to over 63 millions of passengers in the year 2030. However it demend considerable investment at airoprts infrastructure and air navigation.


transport; passenger traffic; air transport; airports; ports

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