Transport Co-Modality and Intermodal Transshipment Terminals

Tomasz Ambroziak, Marianna Jacyna, Piotr Gołębiowski, Dariusz Pyza, Mariusz Wasiak, Emilian Szczepański


Co-modality means the efficient use of transport modes operating on their own or in multimodal integration in the European transport system to reach an optimal and sustainable exploitation of resources. Due to the growing demand for freight transport high efficiency and co-modality of different branches of transport in the European transport system are imperative. The basic criterion for assessing the effectiveness of all the available and proposed solutions must be economical bill, complex conducted both in terms of micro (at the level of each customer) and macro (at the level of the whole transport sector), endearing issues of economic, ecology, social, etc. An important aspect are the additional costs such as those related to the creation of new element of infrastructure, especially point elements of infrastructure.


co-modality of transport; intermodal terminals handling; logistics infrastructure

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