Outsourcing as a Decision Having a Strategic Dimension that Influences the Creation of Competitive Advantage of Companies

Mariusz Sowa


Outsourcing is the conception of enterprise management, which involves using external resources and thus in the transfer to outside business partner implementation of specific processes in the enterprise. It is a concept that is gaining more and more followers among company managers. Currently, shall indicate the outsourcing as an element in shaping the business strategy of the company, whose aim is to achieve a competitive advantage. Outsourcing of logistics services is becoming a visible trend in modern business management because the company that order can reduce costs, reduce the number of investment and commitment of capital and allocate it to other purposes, to increase the level and quality of services and to concentrate on their core competencies, offering greater flexibility in adjusting offer to their customers. Outsourcing is based on the principles of a close partnership, and therefore confidence plays a very important role. The service provider takes over responsibility for the proper functioning of the outsourced areas of the company, in the case of full outsourcing - for the overall functioning. The paper attempt to present the stages of outsourcing evolution and forms of outsourcing. In addition, areas of implementation of logistics outsourcing, outsourcing implementation process and the benefits of its use are identified.


outsourcing; logistics services; cooperation

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