The Model of Railway Crossings as Areas of Analyses of Hazard Risk Management

Anna Kobaszyńska-Twardowska, Adam Kadziński


Railway crossings are included in transport infrastructure designated by junction of railway lines with public roads, which are crossed on the level of rails. At railway crossings numerous hazards of losses/damages and harms to people and objects - participants of land transport are generated. For the requirements of risk management at railway crossings, RC-RISK method (Railway Crossing - Risk) has been worked out. This method is the implementation of the integrated TRANS-RISK method of risk management in transport. This article presents the model of railway crossings as areas of analyses in RC-RISK method. The model of railway crossing in RC-RISK method is a result of implementation of the rules of accepted formal scheme of description of railway crossing. This paper presents this formal scheme of description identifying railway crossings. General and particular rules of identification of elements of the model of railway crossings are also presented. Created model consists of 13 fields considering selected legal, technical and local conditions of the operation of railway crossings. The Poznań Railway Junction is presented. This junction includes 39 railway crossings and passages. On the basis of the railway crossing located in Krzesiny Street, the application of the model as areas of analyses of hazard risk management with RC-RISK method is presented on the basis of the railway crossing in Krzesiny Street.


railway crossings ; risk management ; areas of risk analysis

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