The Model of Reverse Logistics, Based on Reliability Theory, with Elements' Rejuvenation

Anna Jodejko-Pietruczuk, Marcin Plewa


Reverse logistics understood as the process of managing reverse flow of materials, in-process inventory, finished goods and related information has become one of the logisticians’ key areas of interest. Nowadays a growing number of companies realize the meaning of that field of logistics. Reuse of products can bring direct advantages because company uses recovered components instead of expensive new ones. On the base of literature overview the aims of the paper were established. It proposes the model that uses the reliability theory to optimize recovery policy parameters. The criterion of the policy parameters optimization is the total cost of the production, recovery and services during warranty period. Presented model is a development of existing approaches because it widely analyses the aspect of returns condition in the recovery policy optimization.


reverse logistics ; production ; returns ; repair options ; reuse ; reliability theory

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