The Method of Modelling the Intermodal Network in Poland Using Multi-Agent Systems

Leszek Mindur, Marcin Hajdul


For a dozen or so years, despite a transitional financial crisis, the European Union countries have been observing a steady growth in the movement of goods by road transport. As specified by the European Commission, the share of road transport in total movement of goods (in tkm) in the European countries amounted to 76.9%1. Rail transport accounted for as little as 17.6%2. This, in combination with the increase in trade in goods, results in the fact that an increasing number of roads reach their maximum capacity and the efficient organisation of transportation processes becomes increasingly difficult or impossible [1, 3, 10]. Moreover, as the authors have observed, enterprises make attempts at fulfilling their customers' orders frequently and quickly, using mainly road transport. The consequence of such an approach is that the enterprises, while improving the processes and increasing customer satisfaction in short term, may contribute to their deterioration in long term. It should be noted that frequent and quick deliveries require more means of transportation which in turn boosts traffic congestion and deterioration of road safety. The growing congestion results in the decrease of average driving speed, which eventually extends the delivery time and thus may affect customer satisfaction and, in worst-case scenario, loss of orders.


road safety ; road transport

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